Weight loss ticker

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday, July 9th,2010

What I had to BREAKFAST: a bowl of honey bunches of oats with almonds
What I had for LUNCH: ramon
What I had for DINNER:2.5 hot dogs with honey mustered
What I had for SNACKS: 1 creamie, 1 hostess cup cake, 2 pieces of toast
What were my cravings for the day? Chocholate
Did I fall in to my cravings? Yep had the creamie
How much WATER did I drink today? maybe two cups? I am going to try and start drinking 1/2 gallon a day, that is just to start.
How much POP did I drink today? None
How much JUICE did I drink today? None
How much EXERCISE did I do today? Not quite sure went up and down the stairs a ton of times. And I have steap stairs.
What CHORES did I do today? Two batches of laundry and watered the lawn.
How much do I weigh tonight? I dont want to know but hear it goes... 302 up four pounds. Can that really happen gain four pounds in a day? I dont think so dumb scale!

I went to look at my treadmill today! I love it, the lady said she would deliver it tom! I cant wait to have it and to start using it! No more being lazy for me! Hopefuly this will help relieave some of my stress. I get mad at my kids or stressed with how messy the house is I can go and walk until I dont feel stressed any more, then that way my kids will still be with me, but I can have them go watch a movie or go to sleep while I work out! I dont have to worry about doing it when they are awake, or the dead of the heat or when it is dark at night. I will not be limited to when I can excersize! I can do it when it is convinent for me! I wont have to worry about finding a baby sitter to go to golds gym or what ever work out places there are, not that I can afford that any way. This will help relive me of so many of my limitations! I cant wait! I know my husband does not think I can or that I will do this. But I NEED to do this! I need to get healthy for my kids and for my self! I want to live dang it! I WANT TO LIVE!


  1. Bonnie---just a suggestion...I don't know how you are about fruits and veggies...but maybe set a goal to eat one fruit and one veggie a day...start small...build up to full amount recommended on the food guide pyramid. I saw you set a goal for water!!! That is awesome. Good to document...but setting goals is great.

  2. I agree with Tara. When we have it in the house (Dave won't touch any vegetable, as you know), I have the ready-to-eat salad mix and make my own dressing, and have salad for lunch. Also, beans are a great source of protein and will fill you up super fast. You can eat a lot of them and not feel too bad about it. I love black beans prepared with sauteed onion, garlic and green peppers.

    I'd also say that maybe weighing yourself every day might not be a good idea. Your weight can fluctuate a lot over a day, depending on your stress level, and even how much water you drink. It's not a "true" indicator of how much you weigh. A better thing to do would be to weigh yourself once a week. That way you won't have to stress about seeing a number ever day, and you can really see your results. I know you can do it, Bonnie!!!
