Weight loss ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Well 32 pounds down and 100 to go! I dont know if I will ever hit my goal weight, but I am happy that I lost the 32 pounds so far. I am almost done with my shot, I have 3 days left of the shots and then I have 3 weeks of stabilization. I will be all done with the diets on March 20th, just in time for our Smith family party that we are in charge of! I hope that I have at least another 20 pounds to loose before this series is over, which will be really hard, but I really hope that I can loose them. I am trying to decide if I want to finish the stabilization then start another series right after my birthday (27th) Then that way I can be done by June, which means being done in time for the bear lake parties, or I could wait a couple of months and then start another series of shots. What do you think I should do? I hope I see a lot more weight coming off soon!