What I had to BREAKFAST: Nothing
What I had for LUNCH: A couple of animal crackers
What I had for DINNER: Pizza watermelon, Salad
What I had for SNACKS:
What were my cravings for the day? none
Did I fall in to my cravings?na
How much WATER did I drink today? 2 glasses
How much POP did I drink today? 1/2 can shared with Jeremy
How much JUICE did I drink today? 5 glasses of slushie lemonaid
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 15 min 1139 steps = 10 min on treadmill
What CHORES did I do today? none
How much do I weigh tonight? 302
I have not been slacking on my weight loss stuff, I have been so tired at night I just go to bed and pass out. Yesterday I went yard sale shopping with my mom for 4 hours! Lots of walking out in the heat! I am starting to get frustrated for I excersize every day and the weight is not coming off. Yes I know I need to excersize more often and longer during the day. But as of right now I do 10 min on the treadmill I get off and I get really light headed and dizzy. My husband said it is cause I dont drink enough water so my body is throwing fits. I dont know. I am trying my hardest I just have to keep on praying that the weight will come off. We were finally able to score a food order from the church so we will get our fruits veggies meats formulas and diapers on Wednesday! I can not wait! Any one have some good, easy and fast recipes? I only know how to cook like three dishes! And I am pretty sure Jeremy is sick of those by now! I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!