What I had to BREAKFAST: A bowl of watermelon
What I had for LUNCH: A casadilla with cheese, tomatos, and onions
What I had for DINNER: Peanutbutter and jelly sandwich and a small slice of pizza
What I had for SNACKS: none
What were my cravings for the day? chocholate
Did I fall in to my cravings? no
How much WATER did I drink today? about 1/2 gallen
How much POP did I drink today? 1/2 can
How much JUICE did I drink today? none
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 1800steps=10min
What CHORES did I do today? rearanged my bedroom
Had a hard day, some people telling me I am never going to loose the weight. I am trying my hardest and I cant go from what I am doing now to all of the sudden eating what a 110 pound person does. It is going to take time for me to get there. It is also going to take time for learn how to eat healthy I am trying my hardest. I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!