What I had to BREAKFAST: Way to much my mom took my family out to golden caral
What I had for LUNCH:2 cookies and some nuts
What I had for DINNER: ramon
What I had for SNACKS:
What were my cravings for the day? none to stuffed from breakfast
Did I fall in to my cravings?na
How much WATER did I drink today?1 glass
How much POP did I drink today?1 glass
How much JUICE did I drink today? 0
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 1 hour
What CHORES did I do today? watered lawn and went yard saling
How much do I weigh tonight? I will do this once a week
So today I was horrible for my mom offered to take us out to breakfast. And then during lunch I was at a bridal shower. So I did not do good today, but hey there will always be tom!
And to answer some of your quistions I have not been eating fruits and veggies for we can not afford them right now, it is either that or formula and diapers, So of course I will get the stuff for my daughter first. I can survive on ramon and other stuff until we can afford the healthy stuff again