What I had to BREAKFAST: a bowl of honey bunches of oats with almonds
What I had for LUNCH: a turkey sandwich
What I had for DINNER: 1/2 casadia and ramon
What I had for SNACKS: 1 creamie
What were my cravings for the day? chocholate
Did I fall in to my cravings? sort of I had a mint creamie that had a chocholate shell on it.
How much WATER did I drink today? a glass
How much POP did I drink today? 1 can of coke
How much JUICE did I drink today? 1/2 glass of rasberry lemondaid
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 20 mins=2137 steps on treadmill
What CHORES did I do today? fold and put away clothes, and water lawn
How much do I weigh tonight?
So I used my tread mill for the first time today! I finally got it. But the first time of using it I learned not to do it with out shoes for you can get blisters! Oh well I still love it! Its harder then I thought to go 30 mins straight so I broke it up into 10 min segments for now, until I can work up until thirty min stragiht. The first time I got done with they treadmill I felt like I was going to pass out. I think it is cause of the heat and how fast I was going. I did not take it slow on the treadmill. So what did I do the secound time? I went faster. Still dizzy but I did a little better. Thats what I hope to do every time I get on, I hope to get better and better. I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!