Weight loss ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August, 17, 2010

What I had to BREAKFAST: 1/2 chicken enchalada
What I had for LUNCH: 2 hot dogs with out buns
What I had for DINNER: Biskets and country gravy
What I had for SNACKS: A donate and an Ice cream bar
What were my cravings for the day? surgar
Did I fall in to my cravings? unfortinatly yes
How much WATER did I drink today? a ton! I am not sure but I am pretty sure around 25 glasses full. Having to pee my pants every 1/2 hour!
How much POP did I drink today? 1 can of coke!
How much JUICE did I drink today? 0
How much EXERCISE did I do today? Did not go walking today
What CHORES did I do today? 8 batches of laundry washed and put away, cleaned out the kids drawers and got out the clothes that are to small for them, cleaned thier rooms and gave the dog a bath.
How much do I weigh tonight? 308

Man it is hard to get back in to the habbit of somthing when you got out of it! I am going to try and do better!
Well I keep on gaining weight my neighber keeps on telling me not to worry for I may be loosing the weight but gaining musle. For my sake I really REALLY hope that is what is happening right now! I have been walking for at least and hour almost every day. Some days I will walk for two or three hours. Still trying to eat healthy which is getting hard again for we have no food in the house. We are waiting for another food order, but we can get one for a few weeks for we have to talk to the bishop or somthing like that, so we are just praying Casayas food will hold out! But we are still trying to eat healthy for what we have in the house.I have been trying to cut out a lot of surgar in my diet. Every time I start craving it I try to go for a piece of bread or something like that. Does not always work but hey at least I try right?
I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!


  1. This may be a silly question, but how do you have donuts and ice cream in the house if your daughter may not have enough food to last for the next few weeks? Great job with the walking!! If you go to mapmyrun.com you can track how many miles you've been walking. Do you take Ashley and Casaya with you in the stroller?

  2. You could try buying healthier foods. Instead of hot dogs and coke and donuts and ice cream try buying string cheese, carrot sticks, granola bars, or bananas. It won't affect your budget and it will be better foods.
