Weight loss ticker

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I am back! Aug 11, 2010

What I had to BREAKFAST: a piece of toast

What I had for LUNCH: Taco bell, Chicken gordita, Chicken chalupa

What I had for DINNER: Quinwa

What I had for SNACKS: a cup cake

What were my cravings for the day? Surger

Did I fall in to my cravings? Sort of I had my cup cake

How much WATER did I drink today? A 20oz bottle

How much POP did I drink today? a medium cup of Mountain Dew Blast

How much JUICE did I drink today? 0

How much EXERCISE did I do today? about 1 hours worth

What CHORES did I do today? took care of the kids

How much do I weigh tonight? 306

Well I am back now! So I will be picking up my blog again sorry about it taking so long!

I am now taking Niacen which is a pill that you take once a day and it helps you detox all the crud out of your system and helps you loose the weight faster. So I will be trying that and hopefuly it will work, I hate how I feel while I am on it but it works so we will see how it goes.

I am going to start going for walks with my neighber in the mornings, I am hoping and praying that if I have some one to walk with it will be easier, but I am not sure. But it will be worth a shot, I just need to get out there and do it, no more excusese!

While on vacation I got TONS of excersize I dont think there was more then a few hours at a time that I sat down. Just a few of the things we have done on our vacation:

-Thanksgiving Point, walked around the Dino Musium, and the petting zoo that took about four hours

- Walked around a whole bunch of stores for about 7 hours straight.

-Went to Cow-a-bunga Bay, We were there for about 4 1/2 hours. Got torched but had a blast.

-Went to the Bees game. walked from the trax station to the ball park then up a bunch of stairs quite a few times while carring Casaya.

- Went to Chuck E Cheeses for a few hours and played the games.

-On another day we went shoping to a whole bunch of stores for 8 1/2 hours straight.

So yes we did have fun, but I did do a ton of excersize. We did a lot more stuff but since it is one in the morning I can not think of them right off the bat.

So Keep me in your prayers that I can do this, and that I wont loose hope.

I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bonnie, good to hear about the niacin, hope it helps. I'm sure you're doing this with your doctor's guidance, so you probably don't need to know about things like drinking a TON (I mean a few large glasses) of pure water when you take the supplements and every time you experience hot flashes (which tend to come from taking the supplements). Not drinking water with them can be very very bad for your system and can negate the positive effects. Niacin has not been proven to help you lose weight but they will help lower your LDL cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease as well. I was never on it myself but I knew those who were.
