Weight loss ticker

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 23, 2010

What I had to BREAKFAST: Surgerie hotcakes
What I had for LUNCH: a buritto
What I had for DINNER: A roast, mashed patatos, and carrots
What I had for SNACKS: Raisins and one chips ahoy cookie, and grapes
What were my cravings for the day? chocholate
Did I fall in to my cravings? Sort of I had two glasses of chocholate milk, does that count?
How much WATER did I drink today? 1 glass
How much POP did I drink today? 1 coke
How much JUICE did I drink today? 0
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 0
What CHORES did I do today? put food away
How much do I weigh tonight?

So I have not been doing to well with the excersize I have been really depressed lately and it seems like all I want to do is sleep and cry not sure why. I have a few ideas why but. I dont know, right now it is just really bad and I am trying to hold it together, does not help that right now I feel like I should go see a therapist. Just so I can talk to some one with out being judged. I dont know. But tomorrow is a new day and I hope I wake up on the right side of the bed so I can get back on the treadmill and walk this stupid weight away. I am trying to eat healthier, not skip meals. But it seems like I keep on adding weight on any ways, and people keep on telling me I am doing it wrong. I am trying my hardest, I am new at this. Its very frustrating to try and change your whole life style around in a few short days, when I have lived like this my whole life. I wish I could just go and get lap band, then that way I wont be able to eat surgur and I will all ways have a small stomach so I cant eat very much. Not like I eat a ton now any ways but I still would like to have it done any one have an extra 15000.00 laying around some were so I can go and get the surgery done? I just need to find out what is kick starting this depression and fix it. I think some of it is, my husband works between 15-18 hours a day. I see him work so hard get so little sleep and every thing he struggles through, and we still have no flippin money, we dont go out to dinner,movie,amusement parks,museums. Andy thing like that, we dont spend any money on any thing unless we absolutely need it. So why in the heck do we still have no money? Oh ya we also pay our tithing. So I dont know I know that is just one of the things that is really bothering me right now. But I need to find out what else is eating a way at me and fix that. I need to figure out how to get out of this rut and move on so I will have the motivation to keep excersizing and getting healthier, not only for my self but also for my family. I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!


  1. YOU CAN DO IT! Just keep telling yourself that. It really helps to know where your money is going if you set a budget and stick to it. Write down every thing you buy and put it in the category it is supposed to go in. It alleviates the stress a TON! I understand being depressed over money, because it stresses me out also! I know I'm a lot happier when I am budgeting correctly so that I know we'll have some savings at the end of the month. Also, you can budget entertainment money so you don't feel guilty about going out sometimes. Remember, YOU CAN DO IT!! Don't let people get you down OK? Be strong!!

  2. I totally agree! It is hard to completely change your lifestyle in a few short days. All you can do is try every day to do a little better than the day before. Also, I know how you feel with Jeremy working so much. We used to be the same way and it is very depressing. At one point Sebastian was working his full time job, two part time jobs and was still doing wedding videos when he could get them. It sucks. He was of the idea that he couldn't get a better job so I actually had to search and help him find a better one. He has the job he does now because I talked him into applying even though he thought there was no way he could never get it. Hop on the net and search for jobs for him. Fill out and turn in the apps for him if you have to. Sometimes the women have to be the motivators to get their men going. Keep up the good work. If I make suggestions I hope you know I do it out of love. I love you and I'm so proud of you for doing all of this. I know it's so hard, but you are a strong person. Rely on your Heavenly Father, count your blessings and remember that you are a strong woman and you will get better and better every day.

  3. Bonnie, I agree with Julia, you can do it! It's normal to get down sometimes, but you can get through it! I am rooting for you, and I know that with patience and persistence you'll be able to lose weight. Don't worry about what other people say or if they tell you you're doing it wrong. Do what feels right for you and just don't give up! You have a lot of people rooting for you!

  4. Hey I totally understand wher you are coming from with the money issue. School eats all of my time and money. There is never enough left to even do the things I need to do such as fix my car that has needed repairs for over a year now, or take the tests that will allow me to get a teaching lisence and a better job. It's hard but you have to keep pressing forward. I was reading your blog and I have some suggestions that might help you. First, ditch the soda. I know it's hard because you love it so much, but it is full of sugar, chemicals, and the carbonation slows down your metablolism and makes it nearly impossible to lose weight. Don't even tempt yourself by buying it...period. I guarantee that you will feel so much better once you stop drinking it. It will be good for your family if they stop drinking it as well. Second, you should cook for your family more. I love to cook with fresh vegetables. They taste amazing, and if you cook things like caseroles, stews, and pies, you will have a ton left over for lunches and dinners on the days you don't feel like cooking. If you go to the websites of the grocery stores where you shop, you can get coupons, and see what is on sale that week so you can plan your cooking accordingly. You can generally get carrots, potatoes, onions, and celery for really cheap, and there are so many things you can do with those things. Cooking will also get you up moving around, and it will take your mind off of things. I love to turn on music while I'm cooking and imerse myself in what I'm doing, and forget about the day's problems for a while, and just look forward to how amazing the food will taste when it's done. You can even let Ashley help you cook. She will love it, and it will give you guys some quality time together. My third suggestion is to walk more. If there is a place that you go to often that is close to your house (bank, store, church, etc.) walk instead of driving. Take the kids. It will save you from having to get on the tredmill, which doesn't sound very fun, and it will save in gas money. If you need some ideas for fast, easy, cheap recipes, Racheal Ray has some great ideas on her website called meals for a steal that usually cost under $15 for the whole family, and I also have a few that I use quite often that give you a ton of leftovers. I know that creating change isn't easy, but it doesn't have to be a chore either. It can be fun. Get the whole family involved, go out walking, play games outside, and fix dinner together. You can do this. Just take it one step at a time. :)
