Weight loss ticker

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

What I had to BREAKFAST: Nothing
What I had for LUNCH: A couple of animal crackers
What I had for DINNER: Pizza watermelon, Salad
What I had for SNACKS:
What were my cravings for the day? none
Did I fall in to my cravings?na
How much WATER did I drink today? 2 glasses
How much POP did I drink today? 1/2 can shared with Jeremy
How much JUICE did I drink today? 5 glasses of slushie lemonaid
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 15 min 1139 steps = 10 min on treadmill
What CHORES did I do today? none
How much do I weigh tonight? 302

I have not been slacking on my weight loss stuff, I have been so tired at night I just go to bed and pass out. Yesterday I went yard sale shopping with my mom for 4 hours! Lots of walking out in the heat! I am starting to get frustrated for I excersize every day and the weight is not coming off. Yes I know I need to excersize more often and longer during the day. But as of right now I do 10 min on the treadmill I get off and I get really light headed and dizzy. My husband said it is cause I dont drink enough water so my body is throwing fits. I dont know. I am trying my hardest I just have to keep on praying that the weight will come off. We were finally able to score a food order from the church so we will get our fruits veggies meats formulas and diapers on Wednesday! I can not wait! Any one have some good, easy and fast recipes? I only know how to cook like three dishes! And I am pretty sure Jeremy is sick of those by now! I want to live, I NEED TO LIVE!


  1. The Kraft food and family website has tons of easy recipes on there that don't require many ingredients. Dave's too picky, so I have to make everything from scratch, but some of those recipes look good. I also like Allrecipes; just go to ingredients and plug in what you have for that night, and it'll pull up some recipes that use those ingredients. Have you ever tried Crystal Light for getting your daily water intake up? Water is so boring to drink (at least, I think it is), but if you add a little flavor to it, it's a lot easier to get those 8 glasses a day in there. I see you drink a lot of lemonade; Crystal Light has a sugar-free lemonade option. I think each glass is only like 5 calories. You'd be surprised how many calories were in those 5 glasses of lemonade you drank, yesterday. Good luck, Bonnie, and when you find your rhythm, guaranteed that weight will start melting off! <3

  2. Hey Bonnie,

    I will tell you why the weight is not coming off.

    First of all, look at how you started your day...with NOTHING. You need to eat breakfast, and when I'm telling you that you need to eat breakfast, you need to eat a healthy one. Have some eggs and 1/2 cup of quaker oats and some blueberries.

    Then you didn't eat lunch...well, I guess if you call eating a couple of animal cookies lunch, but you need to eat something healthy with protein and veggies.

    For dinner, pizza and watermelon are both HORRIBLE choices. Pizza is very unhealthy, and watermelon is water and PURE sugar. Why don't you try having a piece of chicken and some asparagus or something, but not pizza.

    Also, you need to quit drinking juice and lemonade. They are full of sugar, and one glass of juice a day makes your chance of type two diabetes sky rocket, but if you were to eat a banana and an apple for snacks with some all natural peanut butter or low fat string cheese, you would be better off.

    It doesn't matter how much exercise you do, if you do not change and clean up your diet, the weight will NEVER come off. So what I would do if I were you, clean up your diet, and then focus on exercise after you have cleaned up your diet.

    Also, Maggi has a good idea with the crystal light idea. It will help you to drink more water. Also for meals, make sure you are drinking a full glass of water at every meal and that will help you get in your quota of water too.
