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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

What I had to BREAKFAST: Way to much my mom took my family out to golden caral
What I had for LUNCH:2 cookies and some nuts
What I had for DINNER: ramon
What I had for SNACKS:
What were my cravings for the day? none to stuffed from breakfast
Did I fall in to my cravings?na
How much WATER did I drink today?1 glass
How much POP did I drink today?1 glass
How much JUICE did I drink today? 0
How much EXERCISE did I do today? 1 hour
What CHORES did I do today? watered lawn and went yard saling
How much do I weigh tonight? I will do this once a week

So today I was horrible for my mom offered to take us out to breakfast. And then during lunch I was at a bridal shower. So I did not do good today, but hey there will always be tom!
And to answer some of your quistions I have not been eating fruits and veggies for we can not afford them right now, it is either that or formula and diapers, So of course I will get the stuff for my daughter first. I can survive on ramon and other stuff until we can afford the healthy stuff again


  1. Ramen is actually VERY unhealthy. It has a lot of sodium and msg in it. You should try replacing ramen with something else. Also, some fruits and veggies are very cheap...a bag of carrots is like $1.00 and it will last you all week. Even little changes like that can help! Keep it up!

  2. Bonnie,

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but anyone can afford to buy fruit and veggies. If you can afford to buy cookies, soda and other junk food you can replace what you are buying with healthy food. You can get a big bag of frozen broccoli at Sams Club for less than ten dollars, and they also have stir fry type veggies too. Plus they have big things of strawberries for less than $3 and bananas less than $2. Their potatoes are also cheap, salad is only a few bucks, and you can get big bags of apples for way cheap.

    I hate to be the one to tell you, but saying you can't buy healthy food because you can't afford it is an excuse.

    You may have to give up certain things like entertainment or certain foods or treats, but it's worth it! Everything about being healthy is worth it and maybe you need to tell yourself multiple times a day just how worth it all is--every sacrifice--until you believe it.

    Raman is not healthy at all. There is nothing nutritious about it. It is full of sodium, msg, fat, carbs, and has absolutely no protein, fiber, or anything nutritious about it.

    Also about going out to eat and obviously over-eating... Bonnie you have to take responsibility for stuff like that, and if you are supposedly dieting and trying to lose weight, there are sacrifices you have to give up such as cookies, cakes, any refined carbohydrate, sugar, and sometimes you have to give up things like eating out if you're really serious about losing the weight.

    An example for me is sushi. I love sushi, however, sushi is loaded with carbs, and if you're like me and like the Vegas roll or any other ones that have cream cheese, are deep fried, etc., that isn't healthy either. You are probably reading this thinking that it doesn't relate if you don't like sushi, but my point is, that I can't eat stuff like that all the time and have energy to lift weights, bike ride, etc. I have had to give up certain foods for clean foods such as chicken, salmon, quaker oats (not instant oatmeal), broccoli, very lean ground beef, fresh fruit etc., and some people have given me a hard time especially when I turn down sugar or certain foods, but it's worth it. Not that I'm saying I hate pizza, or going out to eat, or having dessert because I do, but since I have been eating the way I eat and the foods I eat, I have energy in the last two months I haven't had for a long time. I also have a desire to eat healthy and work out that you can't have when you're feeding your body crap, and you know I don't even have a desire to eat sugar at all because of the way it makes my body feel.

    My intention is not to offend you, but to help you and to educate you. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! I love health, fitness, and nutrition and I could talk about it all day!

  3. Ramen, as good as it might be, is EXTREMLY unhealthy. I actually saw on the travel channel they were showing how it's made, and it's deep fried before it's packaged. :( Yeah, eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. Red Volt would cost you the same as some bananas, even strawberries right now are .98 for the containers. Having no money is an excuse. Sorry Bonnie. You are doing great by having a blog, and being as honest as you can about it. Keep up the good work. :)
